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Be prepared for any liturgical ritual with our catalog of Commons, Ritual Masses, Votive Masses, Masses for the Dead and Various Needs and Occasions.
NOTE: This listing of Psalms is a work in progress. Every week, more will be available.
Ritual Masses
I. For the Conferral of Christian Initiation
Entrance into the Order of Catechumens
Presentation of the Creed
Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer
Christian Initiation Apart from Easter Vigil
Conferral of Infant Baptism
Reception of Baptized into Full Communion
II. For the Conferral of Holy Orders
For the Conferral of Holy Orders
III. For the Admission to Diaconate / Priesthood
For the Admission to Diaconate / Priesthood
IV. For the Conferral of Ministries
Institution of Readers
Institution of Acolytes
V. For the Pastoral Care of Sick / Dying
Anointing of the Sick
VI. For the Conferral of the Sacrament of Marriage
For the Conferral of the Sacrament of Marriage
VII. For the Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses
For the Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses
VIII. For the Consecration of Virgins and Religious
For the Consecration of Virgins and Religious
IX. For the Dedication / Blessing of Church / Altar
Dedication of a Church
Dedication of an Altar
Blessing of a Chalice / Paten
Various Needs and Occasions
I. For the Holy Church
For the Church
For the Pope or a Bishop
For the Election of a Pope / Bishop
For a Council / Synod / Spiritual / Pastoral Meeting
For Priests
For Ministers of the Church
For Religious
For Vocations to Holy Orders or Religious Life
For the Laity
For the Unity of Christians
For the Evangelization of Peoples
For Persecuted Christians
II. For Public Needs
For the Country / City Public Officials / Congress / President / Progress of Peoples
For Peace and Justice
For Reconciliation
In Time of War or Civil Disturbance
III. In Various Public Circumstances
For the Beginning of the Civil Year
For the Blessing of Human Labor
For Productive Land
After the Harvest
In Time of Famine
For Refugees and Exiles
For Those Held Captive
For the Sick
In Time of Weather Related Issues
In Thanksgiving to God
IV. For Various Needs
For the Remission of Sins
For the Promotion of Charity
For the Family
For Our Oppressors
For the Grace of a Happy Death